Know the Signs

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Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE): Inclusivity in Behavioral Health Treatment Service Provision Handout
Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE): Inclusivity in Behavioral Health Treatment Service Provision Handout
Clinical Strategies and Recommendations for Making Suicide Prevention Equitable for our Diverse Communities Handout.
Clinical Strategies and Recommendations for Making Suicide Prevention Equitable for our Diverse Communities Handout.
Suicide Prevention Resources for Pharmacists
Suicide Prevention Resources for Pharmacists
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (7 - 10)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (7 - 10)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 5 & 6)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 5 & 6)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 3 & 4)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 3 & 4)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 1-2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (videos 1-2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: In Spanish (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: For Diverse Communities (videos)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: For Diverse Communities (videos)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: For Diverse Communities (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: For Diverse Communities (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Breathe
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Breathe
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (videos 5-8)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (videos 5-8)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (videos 1-4)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (videos 1-4)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Reach Out (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (videos 3-5)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (videos 3-5)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (videos 1& 2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (videos 1& 2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Find the Words (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (videos 3-7)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (videos 3-7)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (videos 1 & 2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (videos 1 & 2)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Know the Signs (images)
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention Day
SPW 2021 - Social Media: Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide Prevention Social Media Materials (2021)
Suicide Prevention Social Media Materials (2021)
Suicide Prevention Overview Guide (2021)
Suicide Prevention Overview Guide (2021)
Suicide Prevention Week Activity Challenge
Suicide Prevention Week Activity Challenge
Suicide Prevention Daily Email Templates (2021)
Suicide Prevention Daily Email Templates (2021)
Suicide Prevention Zoom (Video Conference) Backgrounds 2021
Suicide Prevention Zoom (Video Conference) Backgrounds 2021
Suicide Prevention Poster Featuring LatinX Woman
Suicide Prevention Poster Featuring LatinX Woman
Suicide Prevention 2021 Public Service Announcements (PSA’s)
Suicide Prevention 2021 Public Service Announcements (PSA’s)
Know the Signs, Find the Words, Reach Out Crossword Puzzle
Know the Signs, Find the Words, Reach Out Crossword Puzzle
Suicide Prevention Activation Kit (2021)
Suicide Prevention Activation Kit (2021)
Suicide Prevention Proclamation Template (2021)
Suicide Prevention Proclamation Template (2021)
Suicide Prevention Digital Banners (2021)
Suicide Prevention Digital Banners (2021)
Suicide Prevention Posters (2021)
Suicide Prevention Posters (2021)
Suicide Prevention Cards and Brochures (2021)
Suicide Prevention Cards and Brochures (2021)
Suicide Prevention Resources for Rural Communities
These resources were developed in support of National Rural Health Day (November 18th, 2021) and to shine light on the strength, resiliency, and power of rural communities, join in celebrating the power of rural with these resources, but can be used throughout the year.
Survivors of Suicide Loss Brochure
The Survivors of Suicide Loss Brochure explains complicated grief and offers resources for individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Presentation for Suicide Prevention 101
A presentation, including slides and talking points, that provide an overview of suicide prevention intended for the general public.
Suicide Prevention Resources for the Restaurant Industry
These resources are intended to support employers, employees and the restaurant industry in suicide prevention efforts.
Suicide Prevention Social Media Posts and Animations
A selection of static (png) and animated (mp4) suicide prevention social media posts as part of the Know the Signs campaign.
Suicide Prevention Resource Poster and Card
A poster (11 by 17) and card (5.5 by 8.5) which provide a variety of suicide prevention crisis lines and resources.
Suicide Prevention Week 2020 Zoom Backgrounds
Two digital backgrounds, featuring the #SuicidePreventionWeek2020 hashtag and graphics, for your Zoom meetings and webinars.
Coaster and Coffee Sleeve Activity (Spanish)
Spanish-language instructions for a local coffee shop activity for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week Emails (2020)
A series of customizable emails that can be sent out to promote 2020's Suicide Prevention Week.
Hope Journal Bookmark Activity
A fun and easy activity that encourages Social and Emotional Learning with children, teens, and young adults.
Recovery and Resiliency General Drop-In Article
A customizable drop-in article titled "When Hope is Hard Work: Recovery and Resiliency in the Face of Serious Challenges." This article covers suicide prevention tactics for children, as well as actionable ways in which readers can share their support.
Suicide Prevention and Children Building Resilience Through Social and Emotional Learning: Briefing and Talking Points
A document which provides information about suicide prevention for children (ages 5 - 12), as well as detailed talking points about building resilience through social-emotional learning.
Suicide Prevention Week Tools and Resources Webinar (2020)
A webinar which reviews the tools and resources available in the 2020 Suicide Prevention Week Toolkit.
Suicide Prevention Week Overview and Activity Guide (2020)
An activity guide to help organizations across California with planning and implementation of Suicide Prevention Week activities.
Coaster and Coffee Sleeve Activity
Instructions for a local coffee shop activity for Suicide Prevention Week.
Heart Sticky Note Wall Installation Activity
A fun and meaningful way to create awareness around mental health, suicide prevention and stigma reduction is to write messages of support that, when assembled together, create the shape of a heart
Suicide Prevention Resources for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Providers
Resources to support Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Treatment Providers with integrating suicide prevention into their communication efforts and clinical practices.
Suicide Prevention Week Drop-In Articles (2020)
Drop-in articles that can be customized or used as-is, for placement in local media, newsletters and blogs.
Suicide Prevention Week Proclamation (2020)
A customizable proclamation that provides a basis for your group, company, or organization to formally proclaim National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week (September 6-12, 2020) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10).
Suicide Prevention Week Posters (2020)
Posters, both ready for print and electronic distribution, promote awareness around Suicide Prevention Week 2020.
Suicide Prevention Week Social Media Materials (2020)
Social media graphics and tools, in both English and Spanish, for promoting Suicide Prevention Week in 2020.
Suicide Prevention Activation Kit (2020)
View the Toolkit and get ready for National Suicide Prevention Month & Week this September!
Directory of Support Programs for Survivors of Suicide Loss in California
A database of currently active suicide loss survivor support programs and groups, listed by county.
Suicide Prevention Resources for First Responders
In support of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week (September 8-14, 2019), this resource includes specific items to support suicide prevention among first responders.
Self Care Resources
Self care resources, including posters, an article, and graphics with self care tips to share on social media.
Suicide Prevention Week Activation Kit (2019)
A toolkit that compiles resources for 2019 Suicide Prevention Week, which has the theme "Finding Purpose: Taking Care of Ourselves and Others."
Tools, Activity Ideas, and Resources for Suicide Prevention Week (2019)
A webinar that provides a review of materials available to support suicide prevention efforts.
Creating Suicide Prevention Community Coalitions: A Practical Guide
A guide which provides a step by step approach to creating Suicide Prevention Coalitions.
Older Adult Suicide Prevention Brochure
A brochure which provides information about warning signs, how to find the words to offer support to someone, and a link to the campaign website for resources.
Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention Learning Collaborative
A Learning Collaborative which promotes sharing of knowledge and experience among peers who coordinate local suicide prevention efforts around the state.
Older Adult Suicide Prevention Billboard
Creative files for the outdoor board designed to help raise awareness of older adult suicide prevention and encourage people to recognize the signs of suicide and seek help.
Is Suicide Preventable?
A webinar which reviews comprehensive suicide prevention approaches and discusses how to maintain energy and hope when the going gets tough.
Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
A webinar that presents the rationale for suicide prevention in the workplace and provides an overview of best practices and resources.
Suicide Prevention: Engaging Youth in Schools and Communities
This webinar provided information, resources and programs to support advancement of suicide prevention efforts for youth in schools and communities.
Suicide Prevention Week Social Media Posts and Graphics (2018)
Social media posts in English, for use during Suicide Prevention Week 2018.
Suicide Prevention Week Overview Webinar (2018)
A webinar that provides an overview of resources and activities for Suicide Prevention Week 2018.
Resources for Workplace Suicide Prevention
A document that provides information, context, and strategies surrounding workplace suicide prevention programs.
The Pitch for Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Presentation
A shorter version of the Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Presentation, which presents the rationale for workplace suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Presentation
A customizable PowerPoint presentation that presents the rationale for workplace suicide prevention and an overview of strategies.
Drop-in Article: Working Together to Prevent Suicide
A drop-in article that can be customized or used as-is, in newsletters, blogs, or local media.
Suicide Prevention Week Toolkit (2018)
A toolkit that compiles resources for National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week and World Suicide Prevention Day.
Know The Signs Outcomes Report (2014)
A report that highlights evaluation and outcome findings as of 2014 for the Know The Signs statewide suicide prevention campaign.
Suicide Prevention: Engaging Youth in Schools and Communities
A webinar that provides information, resources and programs to support advancement of suicide prevention efforts for youth in schools and communities.
Know the Signs Suicide Prevention Posters
Know the Signs suicide prevention posters available for download and print to raise awareness and learn the warning signs of suicide.
Know The Signs Suicide Prevention Posters for Men
Know The Signs suicide prevention posters for men to raise awareness and learn the warning signs of suicide.
Know the Signs Concept Testing Final Report
Final report of the study executed to test concepts for the Know the Signs campaign refresh project.
Suicide Prevention Week 2017: Invite Young People to Play a Role in Suicide Prevention
Ideas to involve young people in suicide prevention efforts for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week Messaging Guide (2021)
Safe and effective messaging recommendations for suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention Gun Shop Activity
Instructions for a local gun shop activity for suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention for Men in Their Middle Years
Suicide prevention resources for men in the middle years of life.
Suicide Prevention Week 2017: Coaster and Coffee Sleeve Activity
Instructions for a local coffee shop activity for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week Social Media Posts and Graphics (2017)
Social media posts that help raise awareness for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week 2017: Tools for the General Public
A grouping of suicide prevention tools for the general public.
Suicide Prevention Week Toolkit (2017)
A toolkit comprised of resources from the 2017 Suicide Prevention Week, focusing on men in their middle years.
Suicide Prevention Skills Building: Men and Means
A webinar which provides information about strategies and specific resources to reach men, as well as different ways to address access to lethal means.
Know The Signs Brochure - Russian / English
A bilingual (Russian/English) Know the Signs Brochure that has been linguistically and culturally adapted for the Russian-speaking community.
Know The Signs Poster - Punjabi
A Know the Signs poster that is culturally and linguistically adapted for the Punjabi community.
Know The Signs Brochure - Punjabi
A Know the Signs Brochure that is culturally and linguistically adapted for the Punjabi community.
Skills Building: Messaging for Suicide Prevention
A webinar that covers the basics of safe and effective messaging for suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention Week Daily Emails (2016)
Emails to share with your networks on each day of Suicide Prevention Week.
Educational Resources on Older Adult Suicide Prevention
Resources to educate others about older adult suicide prevention.
"Suicide Prevention 101" Presentation for Older Adults
A "Suicide Prevention 101" presentation tailored for older adults.
Suicide Prevention Week Drop-in Article - Older Adults (2016)
A drop-in article that can be used in media reaching older adults.
Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide (2016)
Recommendations for reporting on suicide in English and Spanish.
Suicide Prevention Week Messaging Guides (2016)
Guidelines for suicide prevention messaging on social media and beyond.
Suicide Prevention Week Social Media Posts and Graphics (2016)
Pre-written social media posts and graphics for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week Infographics (2016)
Infographics to inform decision makers and program partners in your community.
Suicide Prevention Week Proclamation Template (2016)
A Proclamation template for Suicide Prevention Week.
Suicide Prevention Week Drop-in Article (2016)
A drop-in article that can be customized or used as-is, for placement in newsletters, blogs and local media.
Suicide Prevention Week Tip Sheet (2016)
A tip sheet that includes ideas to use statewide resources to augment your activities and communications around Suicide Prevention Week.
Know The Signs Campaign Catalog (2016)
The Know the Signs Campaign Catalog details all suicide prevention materials and resources that are available for download from the Each Mind Matters Resource Center.
African American Billboard
Design files for an outdoor billboard reaching out to the African American community with messaging about suicide prevention and understanding the signs of suicide.
African American Print Ad
Design files for a print ad reaching out to the African American community with messaging about suicide prevention and understanding the signs of suicide.
Baseline Media Analysis (2012)
A report providing a baseline for how some California media outlets discussed suicide in 2012.
Media Outreach Cover Letter
An overview of the Media Advocacy Outreach Toolkit.
Know The Signs Campaign Talking Points
An explanation of the Know the Signs campaign, talking points, and ways to encourage people to reach out to find help and resources.
Making Headlines: A Guide to Engaging the Media in Suicide Prevention in California
A guide which provides media training to people involved in suicide prevention.
Know The Signs Web Banner
Static online banners to raise awareness about suicide prevention and drive traffic to
Crisis Center Picture Poster with Tear-Away Cards
Posters in English for crisis centers who are seeking to promote their local suicide prevention hotlines.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Filipino Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Filipino community.
Making the Most of Directing Change to Support Local Awareness Activities and Schools
A webinar which discusses ways to utilize films and resources from the Directing Change Student Film Program to promote and support local awareness and prevention activities.
Know the Signs Brand Guide and Logos
Know The Signs logos and a guide on how and when to use the logo on outreach materials for suicide prevention.
Sample Newspaper Insert on Highlighting Suicide Prevention Activities
An 8-page insert that highlights county-wide suicide prevention activities. Created by Butte County, in partnership with a local free paper.
Suicide Prevention and First Responders
A webinar on suicide prevention and first responders, including presentations from speakers covering the key role of first responders in suicide prevention and post-vention.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Chinese Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Chinese community.
API Youth Interactive Ad
An online interactive advertisement for API youth to learn about suicide and become peer helpers for those at risk of suicide.
Know the Signs Outreach Tent Cards
A print-ready tent card with information about the signs of mental health struggles and recommended outreach strategies.
Small County Suicide Prevention Task Forces Webinar
A webinar that describes the fundamentals of creating suicide prevention task forces in small counties.
Implementing the Know The Signs Campaign in Small Counties
A webinar that details how small counties are implementing the Know The Signs campaign, with examples of customization to meet local goals.
API Suicide Prevention Poster
A poster which lists key warning signs for suicide and encourages "helpers" to visit the campaign website to learn more.
LGBTQ+ Youth Interactive Ad
A micro website featuring an introductory film aimed at helpers of LGBTQ youth at risk of suicide.
Know the Signs PowerPoint Presentation Template
A PowerPoint presentation template that can be used to share information about the Know the Signs campaign or customized with your own content.
Finding and Using Local Data for Suicide Prevention (2013)
A webinar that describes available data sources on suicide ideation, suicide attempts, suicide death, and suicide method.
Introduction to MY3 Suicide Prevention Mobile App for iPhone & Android
This webinar provided an overview of the MY3 Suicide Prevention app features, its website, and how it can help individuals at risk for suicide stay safe.
Know The Signs Print Ad (Chinese)
Design files for a print ad reaching out to the Chinese community with messaging about suicide prevention and understanding the signs of suicide.
MY3 Client Flyer
This flyer offers details about how to stay connected via the MY3 mobile application.
Know the Signs Letterhead and Flier Template
Templates that can be used to announce upcoming meetings and trainings, compose fact sheets, share meeting notes, or as a report cover.
How to Use and Customize Know The Signs Campaign Materials
A webinar that provides tips, advice, and best practices for using and customizing Know The Signs campaign materials.
MY3 Suicide Prevention Mobile App Presentation
This webinar provided an overview of the MY3 Suicide Prevention App features, its website, and how it can help individuals at risk for suicide stay safe.
Know The Signs Print Ad (Korean)
A print ad aimed at "helpers" in the Korean general community who can recognize warning signs and offer support to a person who might be thinking about suicide.
MY3 Client Tent Card
This MY3 tent card includes information about how to stay connected via the MY3 mobile application.
Know the Signs Email Signature
An image to place in your email signature to spread awareness about the Know The Signs campaign.
Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention Webinar
A presentation on the link between suicide prevention and substance abuse, and resources to enhance partnerships between both fields in an effort to improve care.
Finding and Using Local Data for Suicide Prevention (2014)
A webinar that provides data on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and suicide deaths, as well as other useful data resources.
Know The Signs TV Ad (Hmong)
A television spot, aimed at older Hmong adults, providing tips and advice to "helpers" who may be in a position to recognize warning signs and offer support.
Preventing Suicide… It’s What People Do
Presented by Paul Quinnett, PhD, this webinar addresses three critical components of suicide-safer communities.
Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide
Recommendations for writing about suicide, for individuals and for media.
Responding After a Suicide in a Rural County
A webinar on responding after a suicide in a rural county, including existing resources that assist counties with memorials, schools, media, and online presence.
California Integrated Behavioral Health Project in Small Counties
A recording of the small county webinar on the California Integrated Behavioral Health Project (CA IBHP).
Integrating the Each Mind Matters and Know The Signs Campaigns in Your County
A webinar which provides an overview of resources and technical assistance opportunities available in the Each Mind Matters and Know The Signs campaigns.
County Needs Assessment Reports
Assessments for each partner county's communication capacity, needs, and resources.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Vietnamese Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Vietnamese community.
Know The Signs Key Chain (Artwork)
Artwork for a double-sided key chain with the campaign logo and URL on one side and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on the other.
Situational Overview for Suicide Prevention (2011)
A variety of research activities implemented to ensure that social marketing strategy is grounded in research and evidence.
Know The Signs Campaign Catalog (2015)
A booklet which contains visuals and instructions for the various creative mediums available to you in the Resource Center.
Training Resource Guide for Suicide Prevention in Primary Care Settings
A training guide to provide support to county efforts to engage primary care physicians in suicide prevention.
Cultural Adaptation of Materials for Asian/Pacific Islander Populations
An overview of the development process of materials for seven Asian/Pacific Islander populations.
Suicide Prevention Posters
A poster which lists key warning signs for suicide and encourages people to visit the Know The Signs website to learn more.
Incorporating Social Media into Suicide Prevention Efforts
A booklet that provides case studies and examples of effective social media campaigns and details best practices on using social media to complement suicide prevention efforts.
Engaging Survivors of Suicide Loss Webinar
A small county webinar on engaging survivors of suicide loss in local suicide prevention efforts.
Know The Signs Banner Pen (Artwork)
Artwork (in English and Spanish) to customize a ball point pen with a Know the Signs banner and information.
Suicide Prevention Outreach to Men
A webinar that discusses suicide prevention outreach to men, as well as an overview of the "Man Therapy Campaign."
Culture and Community: Suicide Prevention Resources for Native American Communities
A compilation of resources describing "Culture and Community" and "Native Communities of Care."
Know The Signs Pin Button (Artwork)
Artwork for a 2-inch round pin button featuring the Know The Signs campaign logo and URL.
Media Outreach Webinar (2012)
A webinar on promoting suicide prevention efforts with local media, as well as advice on implementing the Media Outreach Toolkit at a local level.
Follow Up Media Analysis
A summary of the differences in news reports of suicide deaths and prevention activities before and after exposure to the Know The Signs campaign.
Know The Signs Pocket Calendar (Artwork)
Artwork to customize a 3 1/2' x 6' clear vinyl covered pocket calendar with full-color front and back covers.
Preparing Speakers with Personal Stories for Media Interviews
A tip sheet which provides advice on preparing someone who has experienced loss due to suicide to speak to members of the media.
Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide Work in Small Counties
A webinar that provides tips, advice, and best practices for implementing the Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide in small counties.
Restricting Access to Lethal Means
A webinar which provides an overview of why it makes sense to focus on reducing access to lethal means, including poison, firearms, and jumping from heights.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Hmong Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Hmong community.
Know The Signs Drink Coaster (Artwork)
Artwork for several versions of a drink coaster featuring the Know the Signs campaign logo and URL.
Sample Article: When the Golden Years Don't Glow
A sample article to be placed in publications that reach older adults.
Know The Signs Radio PSA
The radio spot is aimed at the general public with an emphasis on those concerned about a man in their life.
Pathways to Purpose and Hope: Creating a Sustainable Suicide Bereavement Support Program
Guidance on creating a sustainable program for survivors of suicide loss, including tips on organization, fundraising, recruitment, and more.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Lao Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Lao community.
Know The Signs Magnet (Artwork)
Print-ready files for the design of the Know The Signs "Pain Isn't Obvious" and "So Alone" branded magnets.
Sample Article: Take Action - Save a Life
A customizable article that discusses the dangers of access to lethal means, and how such access contributes to the likelihood of a completed suicide.
Know The Signs Introductory Videos
English and Spanish Introductory Videos for the Know the Signs campaign.
Pathways to Purpose and Hope: Suicide Bereavement Support Guide Webinar
A webinar on Pathways to Purpose and Hope, a guide to creating a sustainable suicide bereavement support program.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Khmer-Speaking Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Khmer-Speaking community.
Know The Signs Tote Bag (Artwork)
Artwork for a canvas tote bag featuring the campaign logo and URL and promoting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Sample Article: Lending a Helping Hand to Prevent Suicide
A customizable article for people in rural communities who want to help prevent suicide.
Know The Signs Billboard
Design files for an outdoor billboard reaching out to the communities with messaging about suicide prevention and understanding the signs of suicide.
Crisis Center Text-Only Poster with Tear-Away Cards
Posters in English for crisis centers who are seeking to promote their local suicide prevention hotlines.
Suicide Prevention Materials for the Korean Community
Suicide Prevention Materials, including a report, handout, posters, and a brochure, designed for California's Korean community.
Know The Signs Poster with Tear-Off Card
A poster with optional tear-off cards designed to reach "helpers," those in a position to recognize warning signs and offer support to a person they are concerned about.